Kino2022 in Baden-Baden

  • Next Level Competence
  • Our product innovations 2022
  • The new modular scalability
  • New partnerships & technologies

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New purchase confirmation email

The information requirements for moviegoers have changed significantly in recent years. Today, 80% of online purchases are made via a mobile device. Additional purchases such as vouchers and concessions now also need a place for information in more and more sales.

To this end, we have completely redesigned the purchase confirmation email.

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Compeso News

Cashless checkout = faster service

The current trend in the retail sector shows the way: Guests are increasingly tending to order and pay online or at self-checkout counters. In an initial demo in Baden-Baden, we showed what a cashless checkout solution could look like. By relocating cash acceptance to the ATM, the working time per guest is reduced and ensures greater guest satisfaction with lower personnel costs.

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